This page is solely dedicated to the SUD Skates team. Bio's, pics, video clips, etc of the present day team, as well as previous "alumni" skate and snowboard team-riders.
This page will also feature demo news, contest results and any media coverage involving the well as links to their sponsors.
Nickname: Gravedigga, Gravey, Digga, Diggs Years Skating: 5 Stance: regular
Sponsors: SUD Skates, Downtown
From: Ottawa
Occupation: line cook
Set-Up: ZooYork board, Indys, Flip 53mm wheels
Favourite Spots: Harbuckle Ledges (Germany)
When Not Skating: filming, working, editing footy, listening to musik
Music: everything - but mostly classic rock
Fave Pro's: P-Rod
Fave Local Skater: everyone thats ever been on SUD rips! and Agler.
Fave Food: perogies, pasta and KD
If I won a $Million: I'd make it stop raining in sud and rebuild the park, and then buy a Sony VX-2000 with death lens.!
"2nd generation RiViewCrew representing SUD bigtime....there must be somethin goin on w/ that 12 mile crick water huh?" - Joe Sud