This page is solely dedicated to the SUD Skates team. Bio's, pics, video clips, etc of the present day team, as well as previous "alumni" skate and snowboard team-riders.
This page will also feature demo news, contest results and any media coverage involving the well as links to their sponsors.
Nickname: Years Skating: 4 Stance:
Sponsors: SUD Skates
From: Thorold
Occupation: skateboarding
Set-Up: Sud deck, indy trucks, Ricta wheels
Favourite Spots: Mississauga skatepark, library, SUD, T.S.
When Not Skating: I'm never not skating so......
Music: everything that sounds good, We Want Barabus
Fave Pro's: Mark Appleyard, Bastien
Fave Local Skater: John Bergsma
Fave Food: pop
If I won a $Million: build a park in my backyard
"Hey JayIamGay...I mean Jay Mattei! IS DOPE! Jay Mattei is a small little bitch that come outta no where. One day I'm skating at Sud and I see this guy just rippin it up. And over time I learned Mattei is funny cool ass cat that has got sick skills with sick style. Warning to all - Mattei is blowen up." - John Bergsma