This page is solely dedicated to the SUD Skates team. Bio's, pics, video clips, etc of the present day team, as well as previous "alumni" skate and snowboard team-riders.
This page will also feature demo news, contest results and any media coverage involving the well as links to their sponsors.
Nickname: FooterYears Skating: 9 Stance:
Sponsors: Downtown, Sud, McDonalds
From: St Kitts
Occupation: Downtown Skateboards
Set-Up: DTS 7.5, indys, spitfire 52
Favourite Spots: T.S., manchester, NOTL ledges
When Not Skating: work, skater Gary
Music: the Band, Pink Floyd
Fave Pro's: PJ Ladd, Ryan Gallant, Ronnie Creager
Fave Local Skater: Bergsma
Fave Food: Taco Bell
If I won a $Million: hair plugs
"Chris is the kind of guy who acts nice towards your parents tehn is really mean once they go away. Foote skates more often and harder than most people I know. He keeps it right...but is still really mean when my parents close the door. I believe Eddie Haskel comes to mind...." - Andrew Burns